英语中已动词开头的词语,什么时候用do?什么时候用to do?什么时候加ing?


第1个回答  2015-01-14
有些动词后面只接不定式,也就是to do
如 hope, wish, help, decide, ask, learn, teach, choose, agree, plan, encourage, tell, use, invite, send, fail, refuse, offer, afford, preptend, promise, 以及词组would like, get/be ready, do/try one’s best, make up one’s mind等。注:help后接不定式时,to可有可无。
hope to do
wish to do
would like to do

enjoy, finish, practise, keep, mind, spend, miss, imagine, be busy, have fun, have problems, feel like, give up, can’t help, be worth, look forward to, pay attention to等。
例如:enjoy doing
miss doing
can't help doing本回答被提问者和网友采纳