

第1个回答  2017-01-14

Dear Miss Lee of Nanjing Dechuangweiye Import & Export Co., Ltd,

We thank you for the samples and prices you sent over in October 18, 2005. We think the prices are reasonable and the quality of the samples are fine. With this letter you will find two purchasing contracts coded CTC5236. Please return one signed and keep one as documentary.

Within two days after shipping, please send a shipping notice to us with the package numbers, gross weight, the ship's name, the load value, the bill of lading numbers, and the date. Because our customers are in need of those packages, please ship them as soon as possible, if this time we are both glad with this contract, we would order a larger number of packages.

Joe Brown

LLC salesman

Carters Trading Company, Canada

October 20, 2005


Dear Reciever,

Due to the requests mentioned in your letter mailed on October 16, we noticed an ofer, expired after November 1. 2000 pairs of men's dorm pants coded MS1201, each pair priced $11.00, requirement is not to use overdue credit cards for payment, it will be shipped in December.

Because our men's dorm pants' have very high quality, new style, and have a very good market, we sincerely want you to accept this ofer.

We will be mailing some samples for you to observe, we hope that we can get your order soon, please be assured that, it will be taken seriously.



