

第1个回答  2011-11-06
特殊疑问词+一般疑问句句式:What is your mother?你妈妈是做什么的
Where is my book?
第2个回答  2020-07-05
观察划线部分,以便确定该特殊疑问词。实际上我们常用的特殊疑问词,也无非什么(what)、什么时间(when/what time)、谁(who/whom)、谁的(whose)、哪里(where)、哪一个(which)、为什么(why)、怎样(how)、多长(how long)、多久一次(how often)、多少钱(how much)、多大年龄(how old)、多久之后(how soon)等等,只要我们认真分析一下划线部分是针对哪个方面的,我们就可以很简单的确定特殊疑问词。
1、对含有be动词(am\is\are\was\were)、助动词(can\may\must\will\should\would\could\has\have等)的句子,变为一般疑问句时我们要把这样的词直接提前。例如:① Lucy can write articles very well. ─> Can Lucy write articles very well ? ② They were late for the meeting yesterday. ─> Were they ate for the meeting yesterday?③ Mary has been in China for three weeks. ─> Has Mary been in Chinafor three weeks?
2、对含有实意动词做谓语的句子,要借助于助动词(do\does\did)等变成一般疑问句。例如:① Jim speaks English very well. ─> Does Jim speak English very well ? ② Mr Li taught him math last year. ─> Did Mr Li teach him math last year?
推荐于 2017-09-30
娃儿不听话怎么教育切记打骂 父母这样沟通才有效
iEnglish产品购买说明: 方式一:官方小商城购买——请致电400-689-8718转1联系服务人员索取iEnglish官方小商城链接,进入小商城在线下单购买。 方式二:货到付款购买——针对存在特殊情况的用户我们可以支持货到付款的购买方式。 详细的购买方式和购买流程说明可关注微信公众号“TopParent”,并在对话框回复:“ienglish购买流程”或者“购买说明”进行详细了解。 请您务必从正规的、具备服务能力的授权服务商处购买产品,因为服务商后期的学习指导和售后服务非常重要,关系到产品是否能够有效发挥作用,是否能够帮助孩子提升学习效果。
一、针对划线部分提问的有: 对划线部分提问一般用特殊疑问句 划线部分为时间,用when 划线部分为地点,用where 划线部分为原因,用why 划线部分为物品,用what 划线部分为感受或方法,用how 划线部分为持续的时间,用how long 划线部分为距离,用how far 二、对含有be动词(am\is\are\was\were)、助动词(can\may\must\will\should\would\could\has\have等)的句子,变为一般疑问句时我们要把这样的词直接提前。 例如: ① Lucy can write articles very well. ─> Can Lucy write articles very well ? ② They were late for the meeting yesterday. ─> Were they ate for the meeting yesterday? ③ Mary has been in China for three weeks. ─> Has Mary been in Chinafor three weeks? 三、对含有实意动词做谓语的句子,要借助于助动词(do\does\did)等变成一般疑问句。 例如: ① Jim speaks English very well. ─> Does Jim speak English very well ? ② Mr Li taught him math last year. ─> Did Mr Li teach him math last year? 扩展资料: 注意: ①“Be动词”不可以划线; ②划线部分若是动词,则用do代替what; ③若没有“be动词”,则用“do”/“does”/“did”(一般过去时)来进行提问,“did”“do”或“does”要放在人称的前面; ④若有“I”、“my”、“mine”则改成“you”、“your”、“yours”,反过来也必须改成另一组; ⑤“Do”用于“非第三人称单数”(简称“非三单”),“Does”用于“第三人称单数”(简称“三单”)。 参考资料来源:百度百科-划线提问
27 浏览7642019-12-31
观察划线部分,以便确定该用什么样的特殊疑问词。实际上我们常用的特殊疑问词,也无非什么(what)、什么时间(when/what time)、谁(who/whom)、谁的(whose)、哪里(where)、哪一个(which)、为什么(why)、怎样(how)、多长(how long)、多久一次(how often)、多少钱(how much)、多大年龄(how old)、多久之后(how soon)等等,只要我们认真分析一下划线部分是针对哪个方面的,我们就可以很简单的确定特殊疑问词。 把划线的原句变成一般疑问句的形式。 我们知道对划线部分提问就要涉及到一个特殊疑问句,而特殊疑问句的构成就是特殊疑问词加上一般疑问句的形式。要把一个陈述句变成一般疑问句的形式很简单,我们又可以分为两种情况来分别对待: 1、对含有be动词(am\is\are\was\were)、助动词(can\may\must\will\should\would\could\has\have等)的句子,变为一般疑问句时我们要把这样的词直接提前。例如:① Lucy can write articles very well. ─> Can Lucy write articles very well ? ② They were late for the meeting yesterday. ─> Were they ate for the meeting yesterday?③ Mary has been in China for three weeks. ─> Has Mary been in Chinafor three weeks? 2、对含有实意动词做谓语的句子,要借助于助动词(do\does\did)等变成一般疑问句。例如:① Jim speaks English very well. ─> Does Jim speak English very well ? ② Mr Li taught him math last year. ─> Did Mr Li teach him math last year?
188 浏览89002018-08-01
要这样提问: In what language can you spell it? 这里的in不可以没有,否则, what language 就没有成分了。 另外,不能用which, 因为没有固定范围。
2 浏览3362019-07-14
划线部分提问 1、对“地点”提问用where。 如: (1).They are studying Chinese in China.→ Where are they studying Chinese? 2、对“时间”提问用when。如: (2).She came to Japan in 1990.→ When did she come to Japan? 3、对“时刻、点钟”提问用what time。如: (3).He often goes to bed at ten.→ What time does he often go to bed? 4、对“谁”提问用who。如: (4).The girl is standing at the station.→ Who is standing at the station? (5).They often go home with Tom. → Who do they often go home with? 5、对“谁的”提问用whose。如: (6).I will meet my father. → Whose father will you meet? 6、对“年龄”提问用how old。如: (7).The man over there is sixty. → How old is the man over there? 7、对“哪一个”提问用which。如: (8).She likes the new skirt. → Which skirt does she like? 8、对“颜色”提问用what colour。如: (9).Her blouse is white. → What colour is her blouse? 9、对“职业”提问用what。如: (10).His mother is a teacher. → What is his mother? 10、对“次数”提问用how many times。如: (11).He has been to England twice. → How many times has he been to England? 11、对“数量”提问用how many (表示可数) 或how much (表示不可数)。如: (12).There are fifty students in Class 1.→ How many students are there in Class 1? (13).She spent ten yuan on the book. → How much did she spend on the book? 12、对“方式、方法”或“感觉如何”提问用how。如: (14).We come to school on foot. → How do you come to school? (15).She is feeling much better now. → How is she feeling now? 13、对“原因”提问用why。如: (16).He didnt come here because he was ill yesterday.→ Why didnt he come here? 14、对“做什么”提问用what…do /doing/done。 如: (17).They are going to visit the factory next week.→ What are they going to do next week? (18).You are looking at the blackboard. → What are you doing? (19).They have seen the film. → What have they done? 15、对“一段时间”提问用how long。如 (20).We have stayed here for six years. → How long have you stayed here? (21).He has worked in Beijing since 1980. → How long has he worked in Beijing? 16、对“频度”提问用how often。 如: (22).She is late for school once a week. → How often is she late for school? (23).We sometimes get up at 10:00. → How often do you get up at 10:00? 17、对“将来的一段时间”提问用how soon。 如: (24).Lucy will be back in four days. → How soon will Lucy be back? 18、对“高度”提问用how tall(表示人)或how high(表示物)。如: (25).The man is two metres tall. → How tall is the man? (26).The hill is 300 metres high. → How high is the hill? 19、对“长度”、“宽度”提问,用how long, how wide。 如: (27).The desk is four metres long. → How long is the desk? (28).The river is one hundred metres wide. → How wide is the river? 20、对“星期几”提问用what day。如: (29).Today is Friday. → What day is today? 21、对“日期”提问用what…the date。 如: (30). Yesterday was July 1, 1995. → What was the date yesterday? 22、对“距离”提问用how far。如: (31).Its 300 metres from my home to school.→ How far is it from your home to school? 23、对“号码”提问用what size。如: (32).I want size 42 shoes. → What size shoes do you want? (33).She bought a size 68 blouse last week. → What size blouse did she buy last week? 24、对“天气状况”提问用“What……the weather like?”。如: (34).Today is rainy. →What is the weather like today? 注意事项: 1.划线部分作定语时,应连同后面的名词一起提到句首。如: (34).Thats our school. → Whose school is that? (35).She is wearing a white skirt. → What colour skirt is she wearing? 2.划线部分作主语时,应直接使用特殊疑问词替换。如: (36).Tom often comes to China. → Who often comes to China? (37).The book is on the shelf. → What is on the sh
第3个回答  2020-04-20
第4个回答  2020-04-13
第5个回答  2019-11-01