

第1个回答  2015-10-24
1-5 BDDCB 6-10 DBCBC
11-15 BDAAC 16-20 GDEBF
21-25 CDADC 26-30 DBABC
31-35 BABCD 36-40 DACBA
41. that 42. it
43. that / which 44. were buried
45. to 46. made
47. wooden 48. seriously
49. will know 50. to protect
51. ... my family visit ... visit → visited
52. We were enjoyed ...
enjoyed → enjoying
53. ... something was unpleasant ...
54. ... on a ground. a → the
55. I tried stop ... stop前加to
56. ... from do that ... do → doing
57. However ... However → Instead
58. ... on the library ... on → in
59. ... keep quietly. quietly → quiet
60. ... traffic light ... light → lights
One possible version:
Good morning, boys and girls!
I'm glad to make a speech about time management.
As we can see, some students are not making full use of their time. They spend too much time hanging out with friends, playing computer games or watching soap operas.
As a saying goes, “Lost time can never be found again.” So it is of great importance to learn to make full use of our time. If we manage our time well, we can get more tasks completed every day.
Here are some tips on how to manage our time. First of all, we should make a list of the things to be done. Then, divide our time among the tasks. More importantly, it is wise to find some time for physical exercise to keep fit.
That's all. Thank you for listening.
A篇 (文学)
本文是应用文。文章是一篇对儿童作家Colin Naughton的采访稿。
1. B。细节理解题。由第一段的Just talk to 9-year-old Colin Naughton whose first book, Not So Spooky Halloween, was published when he was 7可知,Not So Spooky Halloween是Colin Naughton的第一本书。
2. D。推理判断题。由文章中的I showed the first story I wrote to my father, and he liked it so much he said we should see if I could get it published可知,Colin的父亲认为他的第一本书相当不错。
3. D。细节理解题。根据最后一段的I want to encourage them to write and do what they love. They just need to stick with what they're doing and keep trying可知,Colin建议孩子们坚持自己的梦想。
B篇 (科普知识)
4. C。细节理解题。由第一段的Dikes are often built to take back land that would naturally be underwater可知,堤坝是为了创建一片新的陆地。
5. B。推理判断题。由第二段的The tops of levees and dikes made of dirt are often planted with grass to help hold the dirt together可知,在堤坝上种草是为了让土更夯实,堤坝更坚固。
6. D。词义猜测题。由最后一段的The most famous system of dikes is in The Netherlands. Much of the country's land was once underwater ... land from the sea可知,荷兰原本很多土地是在水下,后来是筑坝拓地而来。
7. B。写作目的题。由文章中对堤坝的结构、历史等的介绍可知,本文的目的是介绍堤坝。
C篇 (历史)
8. C。细节理解题。由第一段的With the help of Antonio, Benito learned to speak, read, and write Spanish可知,Benito向Antonio学习西班牙语。
9. B。细节理解题。由第三段的Antonio taught Benito what he needed to pass the entrance test for the school可知,在Antonio的帮助下,Benito通过入学考试,进入学校学习。
10. C。推理判断题。由倒数第二段的His studies were difficult, and he was laughed at by his schoolmates because he was the only Indian student there. Even so, he succeeded可知,Benito不断克服困难最终取得成功,所以“有志者事竟成”。
11. B。推理判断题。由最后一段的He led the Mexican people to victory over the French, who tried to rule Mexico. He is one of the greatest heroes in Mexican history可知,墨西哥人民对Benito很钦佩。
D篇 (体育)
12. D。词义猜测题。由第二段的The game ... can also be frustrating可知,当今的年轻人不太喜欢打高尔夫球,可以推断应选unwilling。
13. A。推理判断题。由第三段中Hawley和Probert讲的话可知,他们都表达了对高尔夫球运动未来的担忧。
14. A。细节理解题。由倒数第二段的It's just one of many measures taken by the Redwoods in order to increase the game's population可知,这些计划的目的是让更多的人来打高尔夫球。
15. C。推理判断题。由最后一段的As for criticisms that the game loses something with the bigger holes, Hawley disagrees及他说的话可知,他对扩大高尔夫球洞表示支持。

16. G。由该空后面的Today, small city farms are becoming more and more common可知,很多人开始参与到城市农场中。
17. D。由该空后面的it's good for the environment, food is fresher及it is less expensive可知,城市农场有很多优点。
18. E。该空承上启下,E项中的oil与上文对应,Cuba started to create urban farms与该空后的部分对应,故选E项。
19. B。由该空后面的As one city farmer said, “Things that you grow yourself are more delicious.”可知,人们很享受这种种植的乐趣。
20. F。由该空前面的Community cooperation has been an important part of the success of urban farming in many parts of the world可知,社区合作在城市农场中发挥着重要的作用,故选F项。

21. C。由下文的I could go for a run before I went to work可知,“我”上班前可以跑步说明“我”喜欢“跑步(running)”。
22. D。由下文的the house they had bought for us was next to Central Park及I could go for a run可知,“我”可以去公园跑步所以很“开心(happy)”。
23. A。由上文的loved ... in the morning可知,“我”每天“早上(morning)”跑步。
24. D。“因为(Because)”很多人告“我”要提防盗贼,所以“我”身上不带任何东西。二者之间是因果关系。
25. C。由上文的robbers及下文的if I didn't have anything可知,“我”身无分文他们怎么“抢(rob)”我?
26. D。由下文的so I put a $10 note in my back pocket可知,“我”妻子让我“买(buy)”面包。
27. B。由上文的Central Park可知,“我”在“公园(park)”里跑步。
28. A。由下文的run after him可知,另一个跑步的人在道歉后“继续(continued)”跑,所以才有下文“我”追他那一幕。
29. B。30. C。由上文的I put a $10 note in my back pocket及文中的so I checked my ... 可知,“我”觉得“奇怪(strange)”所以就去掏“口袋(pocket)”。
31. B。由上文的money was missing及下文的started to run after him可知,“我”的钱不见了,所以要“立即(immediately)”追上那个跑步的人。
32. A。由下文的caught him by the arm可知,“我”“最终(finally)”追上了那个跑步的人。
33. B。由下文的I really lost my temper可知,“我”很生气,所以“我”向那个跑步的人“大喊(shouting)”。
34. C。由下文的but I really lost my temper可知,“我”“通常(usually)”并不是个易怒的人。
35. D。由下文的he quickly put his hand into his pocket可知,“我”“吓到(frighten)”那个跑步的人了。
36. D。由上文的demanding that he give me the $10可知,“我”向那个跑步的人要钱,所以他把钱“给了(gave)”我。
37. A。由上文的he quickly可知,他很害怕并以最“快(fast)”的速度跑走了。
38. C。由上文的asked me to ... some bread可知,“我”买回来了“面包(bread)”。
39. B。由下文的You won't believe what happened to me可知,“我”开始给妻子讲刚才发生的“故事(story)”。
40. A。由immediately及下文妻子说的话可知,“我”妻子突然“打断(disturbed)”“我”。

41. that。考查连接词。设空处引导表语从句,从句意义完整且不缺少任何成分,故填that。
42. it。考查代词。It is easy to do sth.是固定结构,意为“做某事容易”。
43. that / which。考查关系词。设空处引导定语从句修饰things,且在从句中作主语,故填that / which。
44. were buried。考查时态和语态。由下一句中的the tombs were locked及the things stayed there可知,此处描述的是过去的情况,且people与bury之间是被动关系,故填were buried。
45. to。考查介词。thanks to意为“幸亏,由于”。
46. made。考查非谓语动词。设空处与of bricks作后置定语修饰houses。因设空处所表示的动作已发生,且make与houses构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故填made。
47. wooden。考查形容词。由设空处后的beds可知,此处填形容词wooden(木制的)。
48. seriously。考查副词。设空处修饰动词take,故填副词。
49. will know。考查时态。由in the future可知,此处用一般将来时。
50. to protect。考查非谓语动词。设空处与our cultural relics作目的状语,故填to protect。

1-5 CDACB 6-10 ADBAB
A篇 (计划与愿望)
本文是记叙文。文章介绍了一位13岁的美国女孩Alyssa Carson,她计划受训实现她的火星梦。
1. C。细节理解题。由第一段的While some may feel fear ... I want to go to Mars because it is a place nobody has been. I want to take that first step 可知,Carson对外太空很感兴趣。
2. D。细节理解题。由第二段的I've been training for nine years so far. As I get older ... and hopefully help me stand out compared to other people可知,Carson年纪轻轻就有着丰富的训练经验,所以登上火星的可能性很大。
3. A。推理判断题。根据第三段的I don't want anything to stop me from going to Mars ... Failure is not a choice 可知,Carson很勇敢且很有决心。
4. C。细节理解题。由倒数第二段的we've had discussions about that. But even if that's the only choice she still wants to go可知,经过与家人的讨论,Carson仍然希望登上火星。
5. B。细节理解题。由最后一段的But, for now, all she has to worry about is finishing the seventh grade可知,Carson的当务之急是把心思放在学习上。
B篇 (周围的人)
6. A。细节理解题。根据第一段的Lying is a characteristic human behavior and happens for two reasons: to receive rewards and / or to avoid punishments可知,第一段主要是介绍人们说谎的原因。
7. D。细节理解题。由第二段的Because there were labor problems, the director started receiving threatening letters及During the interview, he reacted in several ways typical of liars可知,Delbert对公司不满意。
8. B。推理判断题。由倒数第二段的When people feel threatened, they can use their arms for protection ... Delbert crossed his arms as if to protect himself可知,Delbert在面谈时很紧张。
9. A。写作手法题。由文章中通过对Delbert这一例子的描述及分析可知,这篇文章的写作手法是举例。
10. B。标题归纳题。本文主要介绍了人们撒谎时的典型表现,故选B项