

第1个回答  2022-09-25

1. 英语作文:Strongpointsandpoints

My strong and weak pointsWell,sometimes it is hard to recognize your own strong points and to acknowledge your own weak points.Most of the time it is easy to realize other people's shortings.I think my strong points are self-reliance,firmness of purpose,and being result-oriented.If I see the goal I can approach my aim step by step.I also can motivate myself and other people,but I can't motivate groups of people.I can anize things,for example,I anized my big wedding.And as for weak points,I think that sometimes I'm quite impulsive and don't want to endure some people.For example,if my boss shouts at me,I cry and then quit this work.It sounds normal to quit a job where your boss is shouting at you,but there is a problem to find a job with a polite and calm boss.。

2. 用Healthy and strong 写一篇作文不少于15句话

Everyone want to be strong and healthy.Because healthy body is good for your.Now I tell you how to be strong and healthy.

Frist,you always eat breakfast.Eat breakfast is good for your bones and muscles.Second,you need to always do exercise.What is exercise?Riding is exercise.Playing sports is exercise.Exercise can make your strong body.

Do you want to be strong and healthy?Follow me!

3. 英语作文《strongpointandweakpoint》

My Strengths and Weaknesses我的优缺点It is important to know our good and bad points because this knowledge will help us to improve ourself.We should examine ourselves and learn who we are.对于我们来说,正确地认识自身的优缺点是很重要的,因为这个认识有助于我们自身的提高.我们应该检查自己并学着(认识)我们是谁.Above all,we should recognize our strengths and weaknesses.For example,I am healthy and fit,so I can work hard.I'm also optimistic,humble and polite.These are my strengths.However,I also have weaknesses.For one thing,I'm stubborn and a little impatient.I'm sometimes lazy as well and can spent a whole day just watching TV and eating junk food.I'm not ashamed to admit these bad pints.Knowing what they are lets me focus on improving myself.首先,我们应该认识自己的优点和缺点.举个例子来说,我是个身体健康的人,所以我可以很努力的工作.我也是一个乐观、谦逊和有礼貌的人.这些是我的优点.可是,我也有缺点.首先,我是一个倔强和有点没有耐心的人.有时候我也很懒惰的,(我)可以花整天的时间看电视和吃垃圾食品.我没有对允许这些缺点(出现)而感到羞愧.了解这些优缺点使我(的注意力)聚焦在提高自身方面.。

4. Youmayrealizeyourstrongpointsandweak

C ,这里考one 代指上文的points 用法,这一具体用法讲解如下4.one与it的区别 one指代上文提到过的同类事物中的一个,但不是上文提到的那一个事物.如果指同类事物中的一些,要用ones.如:This apple is *** all.Please give me a big one.这个苹果小,请给我一个大的.These books are mine.Those ones are Lily's.这些书是我的,那些书是莉莉的.it指代前文中提到过的那一个事物.如:My bike is very old,but I like it very much.我的自行车很旧,但我很喜欢它.Where is my new pen?I can't find it.我的新钢笔在哪儿?我找不到它了.。


I am not for this point of view Firstly,it is not possible that one country could produce all the food to its people because of shortage of any possible resource and geographic conditions to cultivate that.Thus,it isnot realistic for China to solely rely on itself to produce all the food to meet with people's consuming need.Secondly with China's joining the World Treaty Organization and the intensification of globalizing economy China should stick to its openning-up policy and actively interact with the international munity rather than blindly emphasize self-sufficiencyThirdly According to economic principles it is widely acknowledged that investment is one of the three drives to stimulate national economy.In order to make sure that the economy can advance in a sustainable fast and healthy way,China had better engage itself in making sensiblle and appropriate investments in foreign countries.Accordingly ,importing exotic food which our land does not abund in,a possible form of making investments can be justified.Lastly,from economic perspective import must coordinate with export.national economy will be undergo unfavorable impact if excessive emphasis is placed on either part.所以 本人不是很赞成你的观点 不过仅供参考。

6. 写一篇英文作文,

文章一:The first thing you will notice about college is that it is much different than high school. You have more freedom and more opportunities, indicating that you must make important decisions yourself. At day one you are alone. Even if you know other students at the university, you are one in thousands. Being someone of importance is challenging, and at times can be very intimidating. Understanding the changes from high school to college will give you a head start.FreedomOne of the biggest differences beeen high school and college is that in college every decision is yours to make. Your parents are not there to remind you to do your homework. You are now allowed to choose what classes you want to take and when those classes will be.The Benefit: If you have ever felt trapped while in high school, because you were unable to make decisions for yourself. Now is the time to prove to everyone that you know what is best for you. In college you are set free, and if you let your ambitions guide you, you can go places and do things that you never imagined.The Negatives: For many students, freedom is the one thing that destroys them. If you have the freedom to do great things, you also have the freedom to make poor decisions.My favorite freedom that I gained by graduating from high school was no longer needing to ask to use the restroom! I hated asking a student teacher, still in college and only a few years older than me, if I could use the restroom.ClassesIn high school, I was able to go to class, listen to the teacher, finish the homework assignment, and talk to my friends, all in one class session. In college those tasks will be separated.Total class time in college is much less than in high school. Professors will cover what they believe is the most important information in that time; however, it does not mean that they will cover all of the material that will be on the test. Most of your college learning will actually be done outside of class and classes will be used for reviewing and reinforcement of concepts. Where as in high school all learning was done in class and review was done outside of class and only if necessary.Class Attendance: Some professors will give you credit for being in class. Others could care less. However, it is HIGHLY remended that you attend ALL classes.SyllabusEverything you need for a class will be put on the syllabus. Professors may not give any additional reminders of tests, homework assignments, and papers. Not paying attention to your syllabus could be one of your worst mistakes.OpportunitiesThe possibilities are endless. You can participate in “real” research, researching things that no one else has. You can be a leader in a student anization that grows to be an anization that many universities support. You can write a book, and have the necessary advisors, professors, to teach you the ropes of having something published. You will learn how to get involved in campus politics, which I believe can be as important as city or national politics.Meeting PeopleOne of my favorite parts of college is meeting people. Reach out to people. Don't be afraid to start a conversation with a stranger. You never know, that stranger may end up being your coauthor, or your business partner. There is nowhere else besides a university where you can find such a large amount of people with countless and unimaginable skills.2:In university, teachers expect you to be responsible. They don't usually remind you of uping due dates. If you are having difficulty in the class they won't approach you, you have to ask for help. I have a lot more group projects than I used to. Grading sometimes is also more difficult. For instance in my math class there are only 4 tests that make up your grade. So each test is worth a lot more points than if there were homework assignments and quizzes as well as tests. As far as attendance some teachers care and others don't. Most teachers will not allow make-up exams except under extenuating circumstances like a death in the family or religious holiday. The good thing is that you can choose to take classes at night or even online.As far as environment it is very rare for a teacher to have a discipline problem in the class. Teachers have the right to tell you to leave if you are disruptive. A lot of my fellow clas *** ates are also paying for school themselves so they take it a lot more seriously.I go to a munity college so I can't tell you about living on campus.I hope I have answered your question. 提供你一些思路吧:What are some differences beeen High School and University? Leaving high school and entering post-secondary study is a big。
