请以"My favourite subject"为题写一篇英语作文

要求:1)词数不少于70 2)不少与10句话 3)要有创新,不能太低调

第1个回答  2014-07-21
My favourite subject is English because I feel English is a subject that is very easy to learn and easy to catch up on even though you don’t go for extra classes and so on. I also never have difficulty with it and achieve good results in tests and examinations. I suppose I am very lucky to be born in a family that speaks English fluently and also have good knowledge of the English language. The wonderful thing about English is that it is recognised all over the world and a lot of people in Malaysia know how to speak in English. English is not as hard to learn as the other subjects such as History and Geography which require a lot of memory work. Remembering dates and other facts is hard work compared with the ease and simplicity of English. While English is simple to me, some of my classmates have difficulties in it. I don’t know why but I assume they do not read many story books and don’t speak in English with their other friends and also people at home. The one advantage I have in being good in English is that I do not have to spend a lot of time revising and doing homework for English. Homework and tests are a breeze. So, I have plenty of time left over to study other subjects. Anyhow I have come to realise that human beings can be so different in their abilities while they look similar. Some of us are lucky to be good in something. Others may be not so lucky.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2014-07-21
We students all have our favorite subject. Some like Chinese, others like physics, still others like chemistry, but my favorite subject is maths. Maths is a subject that develops our thoughts..There's a saying in Maths called "all roads lead up to Rome. " One Maths problem may have many ways of solving it. Those ways are just like paths through the mountains. Some are straight and short. That is to say they are easy to get the right answer. And others are long and curving like snakes. They are very difficult to understand. If you could find the straight and short ones you can get to your goal in no time. Otherwise, you may get lost in the moun-tains. Another reason I like maths is that I think maths is fun. Some of you may disagree with me. You may say, "Are you nuts? I don't think maths is fun at all. It's nothing but a subject with numbers that drive people crazy. "That may be true. But if you look at maths in another way, then you may change your mind. Just think of every maths problem as a piece of ancient artwork done by Picasso! When you are working on the problem, it's just like trying to understand what that piece of artwork means. Isn't it fun when you can understand it while others cannot? Even if you cannot understand it for now, when you are thinking hard on something, then it's fun too, at least to me. Do you know how much I like maths? I usually spend all my free time working on maths problems. I think it's a good way of killing time and entertaining yourself. The last but not the least reason for my interest in maths is that it is a good way of practicing my problem-solving skills. In real life, everyone meets with problems every day. Every society has its problems too, for example, the environment problem in China today. I think one of the purpose of school education is to help its students to develop their problem-solving abilities. Learn-ing maths is really an excellent way. So that's why my favorite subject is maths. When you are free, I suggest you try maths too, because you may like it too.