

第1个回答  2014-04-28
It is seven o clock at night now. As such, my grandfather is currently playing an exciting game of chess with my father. Their faces are frowning in consternation as they constantly try to figure our strategies in their minds. To the side, my grandmother is watching television in rapt fascination. She is particularly interestedin science fiction shows, as she finds the technology in the shows intriguing. In the corner of the room, my mother is listening intently to her music - she has a look of deligh on her face as she immerses herself in the world of music. On the other hand, my sister is currently on the phone. She is talking to her friend in Germany, and is attempting to speak German to him even though she isn't every good at it. Looking at my family members congregate in the living room, I am extremely happy that we are all together as a happy family.