

第1个回答  2023-07-05

伤到某人自己用英语的说法是:Hurt oneself.


    He hurt himself while playing soccer. (他在踢足球时受伤了。)

    She accidentally hurt herself with a knife in the kitchen. (她在厨房里不小心用刀伤到了自己。)

    The child hurt himself when he fell off the bike. (孩子从自行车上摔下来,弄伤了自己。)

    Please be careful with that tool, you don't want to hurt yourself. (请小心使用那个工具,你不想伤到自己。)

    It's important to wear protective gear to prevent hurting yourself during sports activities.(在进行体育活动时戴上防护装备以防止伤到自己是很重要的。)

    He hurt himself while lifting heavy weights at the gym. (他在健身房举重时受伤了。)

    She hurt herself by tripping and falling down the stairs. (她因为绊倒摔下楼梯而伤到了自己。)

    Don't be reckless, you might hurt yourself. (不要鲁莽行事,否则可能会伤到自己。)

    He hurt himself by touching a hot stove. (他碰到热炉子,伤到了自己。)

    Accidents can happen if you're not paying attention, so be careful not to hurt yourself. (如果你不注意,事故可能发生,所以小心不要伤到自己。)