The Lonely Island - I Just Had Sex Akon的那个 要英语歌词是翻译


歌名解释《I Just Had Sex》 I 这里单指 我 Just 刚才 方才 Had 过去试或过去分词 Sex 性 性别 性行为 Sometimes , something beautiful happens in this world 有时候,这世上会发生美丽的事情 You don't know how to express yourself so 如果不知道该怎么表达 You just gotta sing... 那你就唱首歌吧 I just had sex, and it felt so good! 我刚才做勒个爱,感觉太给力了! A woman let me put my penis inside of her!有个妹子居然要求让我进入他 I just had sex, and I'll never go back我刚才做勒个爱,再也不用 to the not-havin'-sex ways of the past 再也不用过处男的生活了 Have you ever had sex? I have - it feel great!你做爱过吗?我做过,感觉很棒! It felt so good when I did it with my penis用我的棒子直接做感觉真棒 A girl let me do it - it literally just happened女朋友说可以做爱 Havin' sex can make a nice man out the meanest!性,谁只要做过,都会成为最棒的男人 Never guess where I just came from - I had sex!你知道我刚做什么来的吗?我刚做勒个爱! If I had to describe the feeling - it was the best!那种感觉要让语言表达的话,那是最棒的! When I had the sex, man my penis felt great!当我要做爱的时候,我的棒子就硬起来了 And I called my parents right after I was done一做完当场就给我爸妈打电话炫耀了 Oh hey, didn't see you there - guess what I just did!嘿,你没看见把,要不要我告诉你我刚才做什么了吗 Had sex, undressed - saw her boobies and the rest我刚做勒个爱,看见女朋友的胸部和剩下的全部 Was sure nice of her to let you do that thing你女朋友对你真好,还肯跟你做爱 Nice of any girl ever - now sing!我女朋友对我太宽容了 I just had sex, and it felt so good!我刚做勒个爱,那感觉真棒 A woman let me put my penis inside of her!我女朋友允许我进她的*里 I wanna tell the world!我要告诉全世界! To be honest I'm surprised she even wanted me to do it说实话她说要跟我做爱的时候我吓一跳 Doesn't really make sense - but man, screw it!那不可能,-去你的 I ain't one to argue with a good thing这么好的事我能不做吗 She could be my wife - that good? The best 30 seconds of my life!还可能跟她结婚-那很好吗?-那是我人生最美妙的30分钟 I'm so humbled by a girl's ability to let me do her她要跟我做爱,我太感动了 'Cuz honestly I'd have sex with a pile of manure我以前只跟充气娃娃做过爱 With that in mind, the soft, nice smellin' girl's better跟那个相比,有香味的女朋友感觉太棒了 'Cuz she let me wear my chain and my turtle neck sweater即使我戴着项链跟围巾她也没说什么 So this one's dedicated to them girls这首歌是为了我们女朋友而唱的 that let us flop around on top of them!就是指允许我跟她做爱的女朋友 If you're near or far, whether short or tall不管在有多远多近,多高多矮 We wanna thank you all for lettin' us fuck you!还跟我们做爱真的很感谢你 She kept lookin' at her watch - doesn't matter have sex!但是她老看表-没关系继续做 But I cried the whole time - doesn't matter have sex!我还一直哭呢-没关系继续做 I think she might've been a racist - doesn't matter have sex!我觉得她歧视人种-没关系继续做 She put a bag one my head - still counts!她在我的头上套了纸袋-靠;那算什么。 I just had sex, and my dreams came true!我刚做勒个爱,我的梦成真了 So if you had sex in the last 30 minutes 如果30分钟一直做爱 Then you're qualified to sing with me!那就跟我一起唱 I just had sex (everybody sing!), and it felt so good! (we all had sex!)我刚才做勒个爱!那感觉真棒 A woman let me put my penis inside of her! 我女朋友允许我进她的*里 I just had sex, and I'll never go back (never go back!)我刚做勒个爱,已经做完了 to the not-havin'-sex ways of the past (it felt so great...)跟过去处男的生活说再见

第1个回答  推荐于2016-02-04
  【歌名】:I Just Had Sex
  【歌手】:The Lonely Island&Akon
  【中英文歌词】:Sometimes (ohhh), something beautiful happens in this world (Akon)
  You don't know how to express yourself so (and Lonely Island)
  You just gotta sing...
  I just had sex, and it felt so good!
  我刚刚享受过爱 这感觉如此美妙
  A woman let me put my penis inside of her!
  I just had sex, and I'll never go back
  to the not-havin'-sex ways of the past
  Have you ever had sex? I have - it feel great!
  It felt so good when I did it with my penis
  A girl let me do it - it literally just happened
  Havin' sex can make a nice man out the meanest!
  Never guess where I just came from - I had sex!
  你肯定猜不到我刚刚从哪来 我刚刚享受过鱼水之欢
  If I had to describe the feeling - it was the best!
  When I had the sex, man my penis felt great!
  And I called my parents right after I was done
  Oh hey, didn't see you there - guess what I just did!
  嘿刚刚没有见到你 猜猜我刚刚做了什么
  Had sex, undressed - saw her boobies and the rest
  Was sure nice of her to let you do that thing
  Nice of any girl ever - now sing!
  从没哪个女孩这么好 现在唱吧
  I just had sex, and it felt so good!
  我刚刚享受了鱼水之欢 这感觉如此美妙
  A woman let me put my penis inside of her!
  I wanna tell the world!
  To be honest I'm surprised she even wanted me to do it
  Doesn't really make sense - but man, screw it!
  I ain't one to argue with a good thing
  She could be my wife - that good? The best 30 seconds of my life!
  I'm so humbled by a girl's ability to let me do her
  'Cuz honestly I'd have sex with a pile of manure
  With that in mind, the soft, nice smellin' girl's better
  'Cuz she let me wear my chain and my turtle neck sweater
  So this one's dedicated to them girls
  that let us flop around on top of them!
  If you're near or far, whether short or tall
  We wanna thank you all for lettin' us fuck you!
  She kept lookin' at her watch - doesn't matter have sex!
  她不停地看表 做那事没关系
  But I cried the whole time - doesn't matter have sex!
  但我一直在喊叫 做那事没关系
  I think she might've been a racist - doesn't matter have sex!
  我觉得她可能是个种族主义者 做那事没关系
  She put a bag one my head - still counts!
  她往我头上放了个袋子 仍然在数数
  I just had sex, and my dreams came true!
  So if you had sex in the last 30 minutes
  Then you're qualified to sing with me!
  I just had sex (everybody sing!), and it felt so good! (we all had sex!)
  A woman let me put my penis inside of her! (I wanna tell the whole world!)
  I just had sex, and I'll never go back (never go back!)
  to the not-havin'-sex ways of the past (it felt so great...)
  The Lonely Island简介:The Lonely Island是美国的一个说唱风格的乐队组合。主要成员有Andy Samberg、Jorma Taccone和Akiva Schaffer。