求:托福 黄金口语80题答案 (Topic22 Question1) Question: What kind of qualities should a good


第1个回答  推荐于2016-05-18
(1)specifically reveal the qualities.
(2)ideally include two qualities.
(3)use examples and details.
1)A good leader should be confident both to himself and to his team.
2)He should be the one who gives everyone courage and confidence when the team is facing challenges.
(2)the ability to discover the brightest side of each team member
1)A good leader should recognize the talent of each member so that he can best allocate human resources.
2)maximize the efficiency of teamwork.
(1) In my opinion, a good lead should possess the following qualities: ...
(2) There are a couple of reasons for this.
(3) First, ...
(4) Second, ...