

第1个回答  2007-10-29
爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein,1879-1955),举世闻名的德裔美国科学家,现代物理学的开创者和奠基人。




Einstein (Albert Einstein, 1879-1955), world famous German lineage USscientist, modern physics founder and founder.

Einstein in 1900 graduated from the Zurich industrial university, in1909 started in the university to teach, in 1914 let William imperialfamily institute of physics Manager concurrently University of Berlinprofessor. Latter is compelled to migrate US, 1940 annual income USnationality.

19th century last stages are the physics transformation time, Einsteinembark from the experimental fact, anew examined the physics basicconcept, theoretically has been making the fundamental breakthrough.His some achievements greatly impelled the astronomy development. Hisquantum theory to the astrophysics, specially is the theoryastrophysics all has the very tremendous influence. The theoryastrophysics first mature aspect - star atmosphere theory, isestablishes in the quantum theory and in the radiation theoryfoundation. Einstein's restricted theory of relativity successfullyhas promulgated between the energy and the quality relations, hassolved the difficult problem which the long-standing star energyoriginates. In recent years discovered the more and more many highenergy physical phenomenon, the restricted theory of relativity hasbecome explains this kind of phenomenon one kind of most basic theorytool. Its general theory of relativity has also solved in an astronomymany year relentless riddles, and inferred afterwards has confirmedthe light curving phenomenon, but also became afterwards manyastronomies concepts rationale.

Einstein to astronomy biggest contribution not too his cosmologytheory. He established the theory of relativity cosmology, establishedthe static state to be limited boundlessly from Qia's dynamicsuniverse model, and has introduced the cosmology principle, the curvedspace and so on the new concept, greatly impelled the modern astronomydevelopment.