I am looking for oral English partners, are there anyones here available?

I graduated from my university 3 years ago and got a Master's degree of chemistry, and now work for a German chemical company in Shanghai. My written English is good but oral English is not good enough. I am looking for oral English partners available to chat with me online. My QQ: 156438020.
By the way , I am male.

第1个回答  2011-09-25
why don't you make some foreign friends on the internet? I don't think foreigners like to use QQ, I think maybe you can register an account on Facebook (which is a very popular social website), there are plenty foreigners. But if you want to talk things most about your profession, I guess you need to find them in some certain places.

As for improving oral English, I know "shadowing" is a good way for it. that means you can repeat anything you hear from any English listening materials, such as English news, dialogue in the movies...etc.
And another way is push yourself to join some groups like "Toastmasters International" which is training you how to delivery a speech.
第2个回答  2011-09-26
S t a r t w i t h r e s o r t i n g t o a n y p u b o r n i g h t c l u b you find packed with foreigners, in 衡山路 思南路 for instance. Or just post your ad stickers with your phone number about. As long as you are in Shanghai where native English or even German speakers make a certain part of residents, you are in a superior place for opportunities. P l u s f o r t h e a d v i c e g i v e n t o y o u a b o v e, T o a s t m a s t e r s I n t e r n a t i o n a l c l u b s a r e o f p r i o r b e n e f i t s. T h e o n e i n Renmin Square Financial Mansion 金融大厦 i s t o p c h o i c e.

Bro's plot: log on frequently any local university BBS forums and post your m a t e-h u n t i n g bill. Spoiler alert: Might include college chicks pick-up!! lol
第3个回答  2011-09-25
Usually the foreingers don
第4个回答  2011-09-26
all right`