1划线部分A和B的同义词或近义词2在c和D处填词3将E改写为they were_ _busy_th

1划线部分A和B的同义词或近义词2在c和D处填词3将E改写为they were_ _busy_they couldn't practice what they had learned.写出本文中心句.把当我想到过去生活的时侯译成英语

第1个回答  2014-03-26
Sam and Mike worked in the same office and they were(A)friendly to each other.Last summer the two men went to a city by the sea for their holiday.They(B) _______ a few places of interest,swam in the sea and then lay on the sands.(C)They had a good time there
But one day,when they were swimming,a shark pulled the poor young man to the bottom Mike heard him calling for help and swam to him in u hurry,but it was too(D)______.The shark swallowed Sam.Mike was very sad and(E)went bakealone.There was something wrong with Sam’s mother.He didn’t know how to tell her about the bad thing.
At last he asked his friend Robert to go with him.(F)罗伯特在医院工作.“Bad thing for you,Mrs. Black,”said the young man,“a shark swallowed Sam’s swimming suit.”
“It doesn’t matter,”said the woman,“I can buy a new(G)one for him.But where is he now?”“He was in his swimming suit!”
3.将划线部分C改写为They_______ _______ there.


1、1.nice/kind,returned 2.Visited,late
3.enjoyed themselves 4.Robert worked in hospital.
5.swimming suit