

第1个回答  2007-09-04
A. 店员常用语句

1. 先生,早

Good morning, sir.

2. 女士,午安

Good afternoon, Madam.

3. 小姐,晚安

Good evening, Miss.

4. 需要我效劳吗?

May I help you?

5. 要我帮什麼忙吗?

What can I do for you?

6. 这边请!

This way, please.

7. 抱歉。全都卖光了。

Sorry.We are all sold out.

8. 抱歉。现在没货。

Sorry.It’s out of stock now.

9. 抱歉。我们没卖这种产品。

Sorry.We don’t carry this.

10. 请慢慢看。

Just take your time.

B. 顾客常用语句

1. 我在找鞋子。

I’m looking for a pair of shoes.

2. 你们有没有卖帽子?

Do you have hats?

3. 我要买明信片。

I need some postcards.

4. 你们有没有卖蓝色的T恤?

Do you have blue shirts?

5. 我只是随意看看。

No, thanks.I’m just looking around
第2个回答  2007-09-04
你想要哪种款式?Which kind do you want to buy?
这是最新款的产品。This is the lastest kind of this brand.
有什么我可以帮忙的吗?Can I help you ?
第3个回答  2007-09-04
我嫩帮助你吗 can i help you ? how much is it? 这个好多钱? is vary good? 它很好的!!! thank you. 谢谢你 what would you like? 你喜欢什么呢? 这是最新款的产品。This is the lastest kind of this brand. 对了 你会读英语吗?去学学 很容易的 呵呵
第4个回答  2007-09-04
1.which style do you like?
2.this style mobile is new production.
第5个回答  2007-09-04
1.Which style do you want?
2.This is the product of the latest style