hp proliant ML370 开机时报207


第1个回答  2012-02-14
207 - Invalid Memory Configuration Detected. DIMMs installed when no
on: Processor is required to be installed for memory to be used.
207-Inv id
sequen ll
Audi long, 1 short
se: The system is configured with only one FBDIMM and the system does not support single
de, or multiple FBDIMMs are installed but were not installed in the proper order.
r if the system does not support single channel memory mode.
ll FBDIMMs in the proper order.
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - DIMMs Must be Installed Sequentially
on - DIMM Size Parameters Not Supported.
Possible Cause: Installed memory module is an unsupported size.
Action: Install a memory module of a supported size.
207-Inv id plete Bank Detected in Bank X
Possible Cause: Bank is missing one or more DIMMs.
207-Invalid Memory Configuration - Insufficient Timings on DIMM
Audible Beeps: 1 long, 1 short
Possible Cause: The installed memory module is not supported