
正文:今天我演讲的是“我的爱好”.我喜欢一些体育活动.但我最喜欢打网球!因为打网球不仅可以锻炼身体,还能获得乐趣!这对我的健康也有好处.我还喜欢听音乐,日本的音乐使我感到很轻松.虽然歌词听不懂.但也能感受到音乐的美妙.我最爱看动漫!因为动漫带给我许多快乐!我在从中也学会了许多道理!所以动漫使我的生活变得更美好! 完.(一定不要有语法错误!!)谢谢了!

Today I will talk about my hobbies.
I love sports and tennis is my favorite because apart from getting exercise, I can always have fun.【I think It's good for my health.】(宾语从句)
I like music too. Japanese music relaxes me. Even though I don't understand the lyrics, I still feel the beauty.
I'm also crazy about comics! 【It always brings me joy to read comics.】(主语从句, it指代to read comics 看漫画)【I could always learn a lot from them, which has made my life better. 】(which引导的定语从句)
其实动漫是anime /ˈænɨmeɪ/ 这个词是从日语引入英语 最好不要说cartoon 如果用的话 把comics换成anime;read comics换成watch anime。

没有过于复杂的句子 也不粗糙 用了三个适合口语的从句 (记住 口语里从句用不好宁可不用)
你原来的中文就有些问题 比如 我喜欢体育但我最喜欢打网球 这根本没有转折关系 我直接给你改过来了 还有为了前后文更通顺 句子顺序稍微做了一点变动 你好好背吧!加油!

第1个回答  2011-12-19
Of my speech today is "my hobby". I like sports. But I like to play tennis! Because play tennis exercise can not only, still can obtain the fun! This to my health is also good. I also like to listen to music, Japan's music makes me feel very relaxed. Although the lyrics to follow. But could also feel the beauty of music. My favorite cartoon! Bring me a lot of happy because cartoon! I also learned to many in from the truth! So cartoon make my life more beautiful!