
D. - *Free Resources* -1. Check the hotkey of a unit, for this example we'll use a citizen, hover over the create button, and in brackets it will tell you its hotkey, for a citizen its C. -2. While still having your Capitol selected, place your mouse over the scroll, which is used to tribute (top left). Press C, then quickly click, so it accesses the tributes menu. Tribute all your food to any enemy/ally, then click CANCEL. You will now have gotten back your 50 food which your citizen costs, because the game didn't know you had just bought a citizen before you quickly accessed the tributes screen. Also, this trick can be done with almost any unit or building. If you need wood, you can either use siege OR; -a. Place an expensive building to the top left of your screen, click build then quickly click the tribute button. TIPS: - Hold shift to start building 5 units at once, this way you can get free resources 5x faster! - Choose the Just In Time Manufacturing power (AoC Expansion ONLY) then click the JIT button on the building, hold shift and press the hotkey of the unit then tribute really quickly, and you'll get 5 free units! :) - If you practice this glitch enough, you don't even have to collect any resources at all, and you'll be able to win with it every time. - Whatever you do, do not let your resources hit 0, because you need some resources to do the glitch. If this does ever happen to you, request the resource you have none of from one of your allies. - You can see that you've done this glitch in the game statistics at the end, the resources spent is drastically low.


第1个回答  2011-08-22
译结果(英 > 中)复制结果

d。** -1免费资源。检查热键的一个单位,在这个例子中我们将使用一个公民,悬停在创建按钮,并在括号内它会告诉你它的热键,为公民,其C- 2。同时还具有选择你的国会大厦,位置在您的鼠标滚动,这是用来进贡(左上)。按,然后单击迅速,所以上网的贡品菜单。贡你所有的食物任何敌人的盟友,然后点击取消。你现在终于回到你的50个食品,你的公民成本,因为游戏,不知道你刚刚买了一个公民,然后迅速进入了悼念屏幕。此外,这一招可以做几乎任何单位或建筑。如果你需要,你可以使用围困或;的地方昂贵的建设,以左上方你的屏幕,点击建立快速点击按钮的贡。提示:-移举行开工建设5台一次,这样你可以得到免费资源5倍的速度!选择就在制造(冠捷扩张)然后点击即时按钮的建筑,拥有移动和按下热键的单元然后贡太快,你会得到5个单位的自由!:)-如果你实践这一故障,你甚至都不会收取任何资源都没有,你就能够获得它的时候。-你做什么,不要让你的资源达到0,因为你需要一些资源来完成故障。如果这发生在你身上,要求资源你不从你的一个盟友。-你可以看到你所做的故障,在游戏结束时统计,花费的资源大幅低。
第2个回答  2011-08-31
款名:Conversation Wool Jacket
系列:商务款(B Line)
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第3个回答  2011-08-22
shit 这么长?追问

网上在线翻译看不懂,求你啦 大哥




