

第1个回答  2022-10-03

1. 【英语作文题目大小写英语作文题目什么时候大写

英语文章题目的大小写的原则:(1)、文章题目的第一个字母什么时候都需要大写; (2)、文章题目中的所有冠词都不需要大写; (3)、字母多于三个(不含三个)的介词、连词的首字母都需要大写; (4)、名词、动词、形容词、副词、代词、感叹词的首字母需要大写; (5)、大些所有英语中需要大写的单词.如月份、人名、地名等.这几条原则的优先性是递减的,如果几条原则之间出现了矛盾的情况,应优先实用前面的原则.如:如果第一个单词是冠词或不多于两个字母的介词也应该大写.。

2. 写英语作文

Perhaps you are an average student with average intelligence. You do well enough in school, but you probably think you will never be a top student. This is not necessarily the case, however. You can receive better grades if you want to. Yes, even students of average intelligence can be top students without additional work. Here's how: 1. Plan your time carefully. Make a list of your weekly tasks. Then make a schedule or chart of your time. Fill in mitted time such as eating, sleeping, meetings, classes, etc. Then decide on good, regular times for studying. Be sure to set aside enough time to plete your normal reading and work assignments. Of course, studying shouldn't occupy all of the free time on the schedule. It's important to set aside time for relaxation, hobbies, and entertainment as well. This weekly schedule may not solve all of your problems, but it will make you more aware of how you spend your time. Furthermore, it will enable you to plan your activities so that you have adequate time for both work and play. 2. Find a good place to study. Choose one place for your study area. It may be a desk or a chair at home or in the school library, but it should be fortable, and it should not have distractions. When you begin to work, you should be able to concentrate on the subject. 3. Skim before you read. This means looking over a passage quickly before you begin to read it more carefully. As you preview the material, you get some idea of the content and how it is anized. Later when you begin to read you will recognize less important material and you may skip some of these portions. Skimming helps double your reading speed and improves your prehension as well. 4. Make good use of your time in class. Listening to what the teacher says in class means less work later. Sit where you can see and hear well. Take notes to help you remember what the teacher says. 5. Study regularly. Go over your notes as soon as you can after class. Review important points mentioned in class as well as points you remain confused about. Read about these points in your textbook. If you know what the teacher will discuss the next day, skim and read that material too. This will help you understand the next class. If you review your notes and textbook regularly, the material will bee more meaningful and you will remember it longer. Regular review leads to improved performance on test. 6. Develop a good attitude about tests. The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject. The world won't end if you don't pass a test, so don't worry excessively about a single test. Tests provide grades, but they also let you know what you need to spend more time studying, and they help make your knowledge permanent. There are other techniques that might help you with your studying. Only a few have been mentioned here. You will probably discover many others after you have tried these. Talk with your clas *** ates about their study techniques. Share with them some of the techniques you have found to be helpful. Improving your study habits will improve your grades.。

3. 写英语作文

Recently in some regions of our country has discovered bird flu stituations.The experts declare that the local people needn't to worry about it.After nervous discussions they give some effective suggestions.Everybody should emphase these.One is we should insist on doing exercises everyday and have enough rest on time.Than our body is strong and healthy.Two is we shouldn't let our body be too tired and haven't enough rest.The last is man shouldn't *** oke.Smoking will make body weakness and let bacteria easily going into our body.As long as we do these,we will finally win this battle.。

4. 写英语作文

Wele to English club!The aim of our club is to improve your spoken English.As is known,most of the students have trouble in speaking English fluently.Our club will give you many chances to practice your oral English.

There are mainly three benefits for you to join us:Firstly,you can not only practice spoken English,but also have a good knowledge of cultures,since we will have different topics about other countries every weekend.Secondly,you will have chances to speak to foreigners ,because we will often invite foreign teachers from other universities.It is the best way to improve your spoken English.Moreover,you will bee confident in our club by municating with others.

5. 写一篇英语作文

There was no tall building and the only street was narrow. Just outside the town, there was a river. You can see different kinds of fish swimming in the clear water. People here lived a simple life.

Great changes have taken place here. You can see tall buildings, big department stores and factories everywhere. Different kinds of cars and buses are running in the big streets. But with the development of the industry, we have fewer trees. Air and water pollution is being more and more serious. We must do something to stop pollution and make our town even more beautiful.

6. 写英文作文时的万能句子,越经典的越好

段首句 1. 关于……人们有不同的观点。

一些人认为……There are different opinions among people as to ____ .Some people suggest that ____.2. 俗话说(常言道)……,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许多场合仍然适用。 There is an old saying______. Its the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today. 3. 现在,……,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。


Today, ____, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life. First, ____ Second,____. What makes things worse is that______.4. 现在,……很普遍,许多人喜欢……,因为……,另外(而且)……。Nowadays,it is mon to ______. Many people like ______ because ______. Besides,______. 5. 任何事物都是有两面性,……也不例外。

它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。Everything has o sides and ______ is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages. 6. 关于……人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为(说)……,在他们看来,…… People's opinions about ______ vary from person to person. Some people say that ______.To them,_____. 英语作文万能句子 山重水覆疑无路,柳暗花明又一村 A sudden glimpse of hope in the dark mist of bewilderment,it`s a long lane that has no turning. 万事开头难 The first step is always difficult. 万丈高楼平地起 High buildings rise from the ground. 有利必有弊 Everything has its advantages as well as disadvantages. 机不可失,时不再来 Don`t lose a golden opportunity, it is never foud again. 谋事在人,成事在天 Man proposes, God disposes. 人逢喜事精神爽 People are in high spirits when involved in happy events. 人生如梦 Life is but like a passing dream. 仁者见仁,智者见智 A true man loves the mountains, a wise man loves the sea. 人非圣贤,孰能无过 All men but saints are apt to make mistakes. 失败是成功之母 Failure is the mother of success. 一失足成千古恨 A single slip can cause a lasting sorrow. 有所不为,而后有所为 You must be able to refrain yourself in some matters in order to acplish others. 饮水不忘挖井人 Don`t fet the well – diggers when you drink from this well 己所不欲,勿施于人 Don`t do to others what you don`t want others to do to you 看在字数多 ,有这么辛苦的份上 , 给点分嘛 、、。

7. 写篇英语作文

Dear Jia Ming,

Thank you for you e-mail .I miss you very much.Let's me tell you something about my school life.

My school life is very busy but very nice.My teacher is strict but very friendly,my clas *** ates are very helpful and they always help me with my English.I think if you want to improve your English quickly,it's a good idea to talk with your friends,or ask tj\he teacher.So my English is improved quickly bythis way.And with the help of my clas *** ates I have known the culture about America.I also get a lot of knowledg from my teacher.Now,I am used to live in America.

Best wishes.

Yours turly,

Xiao Lin


8. 写一篇关于时间的英语作文

For thousands of years, animals have trodden a slow path, their spirits together with the body. But our human being's transportation is too fast. The body moves but the soul is left behind. We try to free ourselves in convenience, but we only imprison the soul. Since we invented how to count hours, we do everything to short the time, short the deadline. But the time saved can't be shorten. Nowadays, we spend lots of time staying in front of a TV just changing the channels, while we have no time to talk with a good friend or play with our family. We have plenty of time to search old news on the inter, while we hardly think about our life. In the end, the only thing apparent is our loneliness.Take your time, please. Try to follow the natural steps and have your own clock. Try to share your time with everybody you love, share your mind, your happiness and sadness. Try to read the world we live in, do not only catch a quick glimpse at the society.Someday, when we know how to spend every second in our life, we can then live our own life。
