
1、我通常会看看书、散散步。因为我觉得看书可以扩大视野。而散步则可以令人心情愉悦~2、我最难忘的一次经历是参加一次游泳培训。是我妈把我“骗”到里头去的,那是个10天包吃包住的培训班,它让我第一次尝到独立的滋味。3、米老鼠是由华特 迪斯尼所创造的。他的亲切和丰富情感使他成为史上最受欢迎的卡通形象。4、因为她的亲和力和幽默感。

第1个回答  2011-10-21
1. Usually i would like to read and walk since i think that reading could widen your view and walking could keep yourself happy
2. the most unforgettable experience is to take part in a training for swimming last for 10 days. My mom tricked me in this training. It's my first time to know what Independence means
3. Micky mouse is created by Walt Disney. It become the most popular cartoon characters for its abundant emotional feelings
4. cos of its kind and sense of humor