

第1个回答  2022-11-15

学习英文的过程中难免会犯些错误,这是必然的。但有趣的是,有时候我们写作时明明文法是正确的,换成口说却错误百出!Let’s talk的Emmelda老师整理出了我们说英文时常见的4个错误,并且举出例句做说明。快来看看这篇文章,让你的英语会话程度更加进步吧!

1. 在不必要的时候使用”to”

错误:ex. Tell to him that I want these books. (wrong)

ex. Could you please tell this to him that I love him ( Wrong)

ex. Can you this pen to him (Wrong)

正确:ex. Tell him that I want these books.

ex. Could you please tell him this that I love him.

ex. Can you pass him this pen.

2. Many v.s. Lot


ex. I have lots of dresses many of which are white in colour.


3. Put v.s. Keep


ex. I will keep this book for a week. 我会把这本书保留一个星期。

ex. Please put the book on the table. 请把书放在桌上。

4. Stative verbs(状态动词) v.s. Action Verbs(行为动词)


错误:ex. I am loving it.

ex. I am feeling the heat.

正确: ex. I love it.

ex. I feel the heat.


keep 用法, lot 用法, many 用法, to 用法, 状态动词, 英文 常见错误, 英文 状态动词, 英文 行为动词, 英文常见错误, 英文文法, 行为动词
