跟英国朋友谈谈在寄宿的生活和对寄宿学校的看法 英语作文


第1个回答  2015-11-15
Today, most boarding schools (especially primary school) just half boarding four days living in the school, three days living at home, so there are both collective life family life, to form a home-school cooperation Education benign condition, just like the two carriage wheels, indispensable, so some people think that send their children to boarding schools parents are very disgraceful, and this view is wrong. Secondly, send their children to boarding schools, parents can give up responsibility for education. Parents also can actively cooperate with schools to help children grow, say the school has a school for parents, some parents will have parents to observe classes. Such is the actual participation of parents to boarding education. Especially during the holidays, festivals are opportunities for parents to send their children to test boarding school educational outcomes obtained. Not always protect their children in their own wings tutor is a good education, doting unprincipled protect children so that children live independently in the community paralysis, it is precisely no humanity. Because this child's future growth disadvantage.本回答被网友采纳