英语造句 简单的语法正确的 要有中文翻译


第1个回答  2011-02-22
My life is full of happiness. 我的生活充满了快乐
After he was cured of the cancer, he has lived a normal life. 自从癌症好了后,他过着正常的生活
Thanks for Penny saving my life, I survive from the earthquake. 幸亏Penny救了我,我从大地震中幸存了下来
I feel sorry for Penny for her husband takes her for granted. Penny的丈夫对她所做的一切认为是理所当然的,我为她感到可怜。
Tom always makes fun of me in front of everybody. Tom经常在众人面前拿我取笑~~