

第1个回答  2015-10-29
The information revolution, the development of mass media and the achievements in science and technology have doubtlessly ushered us in a rapidly progressing society, where we may have no time to talk about our traditional culture. In the city, no one can escape from the fast pace. We eat the popularized fast food and enjoy the popularized "fast food" culture. Since we get so used to such fast things that many traditional things have been neglected, some people believe that the traditional culture will gradually be lost, but I think it will never be lost. Although entertainments are in abundance nowadays, traditional cultures still continue to dominate. We still regard going to a concert as a luxury. Many classic books touch a string from generation to generation in spite of time and space. And we are still moved by the inspirational spirits of our great ancestors.Traditional festivals remind us of our disposition to the traditional culture. Our relief in traditional culture gets ready to revive at any time.本回答被网友采纳