when leonardo da vinci英语周报答案

when leonardo da vinci英语周报答案

第1个回答  2017-05-24
听力 I. cbccb II.BCBCA III.CBACB 单项选择 CABDCACBDB 完形填空 BCABABBCDC阅读理解 A BABDC B CACDC 完成句子 1.six 2.juanuary 3.date 4.October 5.party .......书面表达 I am twelve years old.Mybirthday is April 25th .My father is a teacher.He is forty years old and hisbirthday is August 2nd.My mother is a clerk.She is thirty-eight years old.Her birthday is May 21st.I love my parents.
第2个回答  2017-05-24
but neither are we born with fear.