
1. i've got itchy feet2. i've got cold feet3. i shot myself in the the foot 4. born with a silver spoon in his mouth 5. silver tongued 6. every cloud has a silver lining 7. she has a heart of gold 8. worth its weight in gold 9. as good as gold 10. he's a bad egg 11. don't put your eggs in one basket 12. he's got egg on his face 13. busy as a bee 14. the bees knees 15. it's like banging your head against a brick wall 16. he's got his head in the clouds 17. an old head on young shoulders 18. i let my hair down 19. tearing my hair out 20. don't lose my cup of tea 21. it's not my cup of tea 22. not for all the tea in China 23. it's as good as a chocolate teapot 24. they are up in arms 25. i would give my right arm for it 26. he's twisting my arm 有点多 哪位大大能帮个忙 谢谢了

第1个回答  2014-01-01
1. i've got itchy feet2. i've got cold feet 临阵退缩3. i shot myself in the the foot 4. born with a silver spoon in his mouth 含着银汤匙出生,指出生富贵5. silver tongued 雄辩的6. every cloud has a silver lining 黑暗中总有一线光明7. she has a heart of gold 她是个高尚的人(有金子般的心)8. worth its weight in gold 非常有价值(值同等重量的金子)9. as good as gold 很乖10. he's a bad egg 他是个坏家伙(坏蛋)11. don't put your eggs in one basket 别把鸡蛋放在一个篮子里12. he's got egg on his face 13. busy as a bee 忙得不可开交14. the bees knees 15. it's like banging your head against a brick wall 你在尝试不可能的事、自不量力、以卵击石(你就像头撞砖墙)16. he's got his head in the clouds 17. an old head on young shoulders 少年老成18. i let my hair down 我不拘礼节19. tearing my hair out 20. don't lose my cup of tea 别忘了我那一份21. it's not my cup of tea 这不属于我22. not for all the tea in China 23. it's as good as a chocolate teapot 中看不中用24. they are up in arms 他们起来进行武装斗争25. i would give my right arm for it 我会优先处理它26. he's twisting my arm