

第1个回答  2022-10-28
问题一:女朋友英文除了girlfriend之外还可以怎么说 1. Girlfriend也可以简称girl

特别随意的场合可以用gf或GF,如短信(texting)或网聊(internet chat)。

eg: Have you been seeing a guy pretty steadily and would like to know if he wants you to be his girlfriend?

2. 非婚关系中,口语通常可称女方为significant other或SO


eg: Anyone NOT having their Significant Other in the Delivery Room?

3. Life partner通常相当于“终身伴侣”

但与汉语不同的是它也可以指亲密的终身伙伴,无论同性还是异性。Partner也可以指life partner.

eg: I feel more optimistic being in this relationship. We decided we are going to be life partners.

4. Soulmate或soul mate可以指女友或妻子


eg: So did Godgive attractive people a much higher chance of meeting their soulmate?

5. Fiancée指订婚女友


eg: A 45-year-old man and his fiancée were celebrating a family holiday in their apartment. Out of the blue the man thought that his girlfriend was taking the form of a hideous monster from a horror movie.

6. 有一些词是男女通用的,如true love、date、steady、darling、love、lover、paramour、squeeze等。

7. 还有其它一些词可以指女友,如panion、sweetheart、heartthrob、babe等。

8. 如果是已婚男人的情人,通常用mistress

eg: Picasso’s painting of his mistress will go under the hammer at London.

9. Lady friend是个故意模棱两可的用语

指关系不到girlfriend的程度,但却好于friend;没有mistress或lover那种明显的性意味。通常作为委婉语(euphemi *** )使用,或者在情况不明的情况下作为一种保守的提法。Lady friend也用于指女方明显大于男方的情侣关系。

eg: A millionaire took his lady friend to dinner. He told her he had eaten in the finest re......>>

问题二:女友的英文怎么写 30分 girlfriend..

问题三:女朋友的英文简写是什么? GF额、、、girl friend

问题四:女朋友英语叫什么 girl friend
and so on...........

问题五:女朋友 英文怎么写 缩写是什么 girl friend 缩写GF

问题六:女朋友的英文缩写? girl friend GF

问题七:女朋友的英语单词 girl friend

问题八:女朋友用英语怎么说? girlfriend,简称GF

问题九:‘你有女朋友么?’用英语怎么说!? Do you have a girlfriend ?